There Is None Like You

Ancient Israel was so drawn to worship idols as their gods,

The people worshipped many idols and owned them as their lords.

They would sacrifice their own flesh and blood to appease them,

They offered all their gold and silver and all their precious gems!


But the gods they worshipped did them no good at all,

Their land was destroyed, and no one could walk tall.

They had become slaves, and in their life there was despair,

Could they return to God? Could He bring about repair?


The prophets declared that there was none like the Lord their God,

His power and majesty were second to none, that was His record!

His name was great among those who had observed His works,

The care and concern to His own people, He would never shirk!


What a great Saviour we have in the Lord our God,

Truly there is none like Him in any historical record!

May we stand in awe and determine to be faithfully His,

Then will we experience the greatest joy and bliss!


Inspiration: Jeremiah 10:6
Charles Tan