The LORD deserves much praise from our lips;

He has done so much for us, though we often slip!

Though He was angry because of our many sins;

Yet, He chose to make us completely clean!


We may declare that God Himself is our salvation;

We have no reason to be filled with consternation.

We can fully trust in Him and never ever be afraid;

He has set aside His anger and given comfort instead.


There is much joy to be found in God’s well of salvation;

We will also find much strength in times of tribulation.

The deeds of God ought to be declared loud and clear;

Our songs of praise and joy cam bring much cheer.


The LORD has done many wonderful deeds;

May praising the Lord ever be our Creed!

How great it is to find salvation in the LORD;

Let there be great rejoicing in our Saviour-God!


Inspiration: Isaiah 12:1-6

Charles Tan