The presence of evil is found all over the earth;

And everywhere it emerges, it takes away mirth.

How important it is to find the Fountain of Life;

Only through faith can we rise above all strife!


God’s Fountain of Life brings hope amidst fear;

His Presence and Power remind us He is near.

How we need to see light in His glorious Light;

We can draw near to God and rely on His might.


The Lovingkindness of God is beyond all measure;

His mercy and faithfulness we must treasure.

His righteousness is greater than the hills;

He revives our soul and this brings a great thrill.


The trusting heart will rest in the shadow of His wings;

It learns how to be calm even amidst foreboding.

The faithfulness of God will see us through the night;

The Light that God gives will bring the soul delight.


Inspiration: Psalm 36:9

Charles Tan