The fear of the LORD is indeed the beginning of wisdom,

This reverence is practised in the Lord’s eternal kingdom!

Mighty angels before Him bow their heads in holy fear,

They stand in awe of God Almighty, whom they cheer!


Sadly, the fear of the LORD is not easily found in sinful man,

His heart is filled with all kinds of thoughts, and devious plans.

He pays scant attention to the Word of God and its power,

And all too soon, man’s life is over, like a withering flower.


The greatness of the Lord ought to be acknowledged by man,

There is vast and profound wisdom in His salvation-plan!

There is truly none like the LORD our God in awesome power,

All should stand in awe and before His mighty presence cower!


The LORD is the true and living Creator, let the world tremble!

The fear of the LORD is His rightful due, let no heart grumble.

May there be wisdom to understand this holy fear of God!

May there be grace and power to all who seek to serve the LORD!


Inspiration: Jeremiah 10: 6-10; Proverbs 1:7

Charles Tan