The hearts of the Disciples were very deeply troubled indeed,

If Jesus were to die, to Whom would they turn in their hour of need?

Sorrow filled their hearts, and they could barely speak to the Lord,

How could Jesus remain so calm? What kind of faith had He in God?

Jesus understood His disciples and He felt with them their sorrow,

They were saddened that perhaps, there would be no tomorrow!

They had begun each day with Jesus the Lord leading the way,

How could they carry on if He died? They were filled with dismay!

Jesus sought to teach them how to exercise their faith in God,

They needed to actively believe in Him, their Master and Lord!

He had taught them that He was the Way, the Truth and the Life,

These three things were all they would need amidst turmoil and strife.

Our heart need not be troubled by the thought that Death is the End,

We must exercise faith! Having a strong faith is what He would commend!

The struggle against fears and doubts must be settled once and for all,

Only then could we live in full confidence, walking bold and tall!

Inspiration: John 14:1-6

Charles Tan