The Glory Of The Lord Shall Be Revealed

The glory of the Lord was revealed in the days of Moses wondrously,

He protected the Children of Israel, day and night, most diligently.

In the day a pillar of cloud sheltered Israel from the intense heat of the sun,

At night a pillar of fire protected them from wild beasts that could bring harm.


But the glory of the Lord however was not fully appreciated by many,

They took for granted that God must provide for them aplenty.

The children of Israel failed to give thanks but chose instead to complain,

Their hearts hardened along the way and they became such a pain!


God in His grace promised that He would one day reveal His divine glory,

And all flesh shall stand in awe as He unfolded His profound plan plainly.

But He must first send a forerunner to prepare for that glorious day,

He would send forth His Messiah, and many would rejoice along the way.


The children of Israel had failed to appreciate the glory of God revealed,

But would we be able to treasure God’s glory that had been concealed?

The Lord Himself had declared that He would reveal His glory once again,

May we have eyes that can see and have hearts that will sing a glad refrain!


Inspiration: Isaiah 40:5

Charles Tan