To be honest, few can speak of a deep love for the Word of God;
We can’t speak of love when we do not fully understand the Lord.
The word “Commandment” almost brings dread to our heart;
Deep down we know that, from God, we are often far apart.

We read His Word but we do not fully comprehend;
There are so many things we do not truly understand.
We can barely speak of reading the Scriptures intelligently;
Let alone testify of reading it with reverence diligently.

Love for God’s Word often begins in the humblest of ways;
Understanding only comes after going through difficult days.
But in the hard times that we sometimes experience in life;
God gives us a glimmer of hope that helps us to overcome strife.

That initial love must be nurtured through seeking God in prayer;
We discover further that His Word enables us to overcome despair.
A spark of love begins to grow in the depths of our heart;
In time, we can speak of a love that will never depart.

Inspiration: Psalm 119:46-47

Charles Tan