(A Communion Poem)


Two simple words – “In Christ”- often taken for granted;

Every blessing we have comes from our Saviour Beloved.

The blessings of God are almost seen as if they are expected;

The grace and love of God- “In Him”- we have not delighted!


What a blessing it is to be given such a great Adoption!

Sinners, yet forgiven and given sonship with affection.

All made possible only because of Christ Jesus the Lord.

Without Him we would be alienated from our Holy God!


Without Christ, there is nothing but darkness and life is grim;

The believer must know what God desires and expects of him;

Christ is the Pattern for our life and our humble ministry;

We are justified by Him and we may serve blamelessly!


How wonderful it is to trace God’s great plan of salvation;

Chosen, Predestined, Called- all done with deep affection!

What grace God has shown because of Christ the Lord;

May we bow in deep gratitude before the throne of God!


Inspiration: Ephesians 1:3-14

Charles Tan