Failure, war and disease are things I fear;

I never fail to worry about them every year.

Even as I grow up, my fears never fade;

Oh! How I wish of stronger mettle I am made.


School plays a huge part in my life;

And as a student, for good grades I strive.

Even though I study the hardest I can;

I constantly fear I will not place in the First Band.


Nuclear weapons are out there somewhere;

Reading about the effects of their destruction, I cannot bear.

I wonder every day when World War III might actually begin;

I shiver at the thought of war; it would be such a catastrophic scene.


The sight of needles brings a shiver down my spine;

And whenever I think about deadly illnesses I whine.

Words like “cancer” and “tumour” make me cringe;

My worry of contracting these awful diseases make me flinch.


Yet in my darkest times when I feel helpless;

God’s Word comforts me and makes me fearless.

John 14:27 tells me not to be afraid;

For God gives peace if only I prayed.


God’s hand is more powerful than anything;

He can eradicate all fears the world can possibly bring.

With God’s Word hidden in my heart;

All my fears will surely depart.

Asia Tan (Pines 2)