(In honour of Pines 2 serving at the Junior Camp)


You responded admirably to the Call to serve;

And gave of your best to the Lord without reserve.

The hours were long and there were many things to do;

You stood out during the week, and we are proud of you.


There are many more lessons to learn along the way;

Some areas still need attention, and over these we pray.

You were found good and faithful in serving the Lord;

May you receive many wonderful blessings from God!


Some are standing out as possible future leaders;

Let there be a determination to listen to our teachers.

Thank God that the Junior Camp went quite well;

And thus, the praises of the Lord we must forthtell.


Many are the lessons we may learn through serving God;

We learn how to work hard faithfully trusting in the Lord.

Both strength and joy may be found in challenging service;

May you abide in your determination to put faith into practice!


Inspiration: Luke 17:10

Charles Tan