They are many aspects of God’s Heavenly calling;

Each aspect was revealed by a man of God’s choosing.

Paul the persecutor became Paul the Apostle and preacher;

He became an outstanding evangelist and teacher.


The many aspects of God’s Calling help us to know it is profound;

And personal experience of this Calling makes the soul truly abound.

The example that Paul has set for us helps us to appreciate our Call;

He began his truly exciting journey of faith by yielding his all.


By grace he found faith to believe in Jesus as his Saviour and Lord;

He began to understand the depth and complexity of the Biblical record.

He went on to understand that God’s call was enshrouded in Hope;

This was the Divine training program by which he learned to cope.


The Calling of God is a glorious one that needs to be discovered;

In prayer and in the Lord’s word, this Call must be contemplated.

God slowly reveals His Call through much-needed enlightenment;

The humble servant of God must ever seek divine encouragement. 


Inspiration: Ephesians 1:17-19

Charles Tan