God is involved in the birth of a child;

His profound plan is mighty and not mild.

In His wisdom and power, He has predestined;

Each child of His would be greatly esteemed.


The child is Separated according to God’s plan;

He will Call His child and lead him by His hand.

Salvation would be understood and appreciated;

The desire to serve God has now been initiated.


The Call of God leads to a higher level of ministry;

The anointed is empowered for greater activity.

The servant of the Lord grows further in experience;

The Lord Jesus Christ is given rightful pre-eminence.


The Separation to special tasks is not given to many;

These must have grown deeper in life and ministry.

The Lord’s Divine Plan is revealed and comprehended;

The faithful servant of the Lord would be well-commended!


Inspiration: Galatians 1:15; Romans 1:1

Charles Tan