Who would have imagined that Saul could be converted?

He was so prejudiced and he was so filled with hatred.

His malice knew no boundaries, so deep was the sin;

In God’s grace and mercy, he was cleansed from deep within.


But there was more to Conversion that God had planned;

He would reveal to Paul things he must comprehend.

God’s Call given was to make him “A chosen vessel;”

Paul would experience deep and insightful “upheavals.”


“A chosen vessel!” This was beyond immediate comprehension;

The vile deeds of Saul had left many hurt and in much confusion.

But Ananias knew the Lord well enough to give Him full trust;

God’s wisdom, grace and power would surely prevail at last.


Ananias went to Saul and greeted him most graciously;

He brought about healing of his blindness immediately.

Paul began a new life seeking to fulfil God’s Calling;

His life and ministry would result in great blessings!


Inspiration: Acts 9:1-16

Charles Tan