The Call to rejoice in the LORD is a good theme;

There is every reason to rejoice from deep within!

To have a disposition of praise is good to cultivate;

To develop this desirable quality, we must not hesitate.


The righteous will understand the Call to offer praise;

He has experienced the Lord’s wonderful grace.

The LORD has shown us mercy in His blessing;

The heart must be naturally filled with thanksgiving.


Giving of praise is truly a beautiful thing to behold;

The LORD is pleased when our hearts are not cold.

There should be much joy and gratitude in our soul;

God has reached out to us and He has made us whole.


Praise should be easily forthcoming from the upright;

May there be new songs that reflect a heart that is light!

The LORD’s name is to be praised in every possible way;

Rejoicing in the LORD will wonderfully brighten each day.


Inspiration: Psalm 33:1-3

Charles Tan