As we dedicate Bethany IV today,

May God bless our Donors, we pray!

They have given out of love for the Lord,

May their deed be remembered by our God!


The cost for any building project is truly high;

Thank God for all who cared and drew nigh.

They knew the cost was not small at all,

But these dug deep, responding to God’s call.


They gave from a heart touched by the Lord,

They were drawn by His stirring love-cord.

They gave sacrificially and all needs were met,

There was no need to worry, no need to fret!


Not everyone is blessed with great prosperity,

Thank God for all who feel a sense of responsibility.

Through the effort of all who love our Saviour God,

We bear testimony of the blessings of our great Lord.


Inspiration: Romans 12:8

Charles Tan