Four times we have held Dedication Services to the glory of God,

Each time the heart struggles to find the right words to honour the LORD!

But the heart determines to extol the LORD though words may not be there,

The glory of the Lord, His mercy, His grace and His love we will declare!


The Name of the LORD our God, we must extol and praise on high,

We cry out to the Lord, that He may be with us, and truly draw nigh.

It is His name we seek to bless for He has shown such great grace,

From the humblest of beginning, His hand of blessing we can trace!


The praise of the Lord’s Name will not be limited to this Dedication Day,

We commit ourselves to praise Him always, whether at work or at play.

We draw inspiration from the Psalmists of old to offer praise to our God,

His greatness is unsearchable, greatly to be praised indeed, is the LORD!


We will teach the future generations to extol the name of the LORD,

Teaching them to always walk worthy of the Calling of our great God!

He has redeemed us and He graciously calls us to be the people of His flock,

Let our voices be lifted up and offer the greatest praise to the LORD.


Inspiration: Psalm 145:1

Charles Tan