Formed Me to be His Servant


The Messiah testified of His calling tracing it all the way back,
From a young age He already knew what He could expect.
There was such clarity of understanding about God’s calling,
Everything was planned right from the very beginning.

God had clearly planned it at the time of His conception,
No detail was left out, even His name was mentioned.
God would hide Him until He was ready for public ministry,
The long years of preparation was to many a complete mystery.

He had been formed to be the Servant for the Lord,
A major task was to bring back erring Israel to their God.
He could always find strength for all the tasks of ministry,
His Father would give Him great power and heaven’s glory.

There was a greater task that the Servant was sent to achieve,
He would become God’s salvation to Gentiles and bring relief.
To the ends of the earth the name of Jesus would be proclaimed,
A New Covenant would be established in His glorious name.

Inspiration: Isaiah 49:1