

The Lord Jesus fully understood His calling from on High,
Gently He invited some to follow Him and to draw nigh.
What a privilege it is to be given such a glorious Call,
The heart pounds with joy and determines to walk tall.

Called! To be in the Presence of Jesus is a joy second to none,
But to deny self, to take up one’s cross, that is not for everyone.
To those who truly know and love Jesus as Saviour and Lord,
There is no greater thrill than to follow and become a servant of God.

Called! To prepare for a Divine ministry of serving a great Cause,
To have a vision of caring for the poor, of reaching the Lost;
The heart must first be filled with tenderness and compassion,
The great love of God must move us to serve with total devotion.

Fears that we might fail should be resisted and fought with all our might,
When the Lord calls, He will also empower us to serve with great delight.
The Call of Jesus to be faithful and fruitful in ministry is still given today,
Blessed are those who will yield their whole life without delay!

Inspiration: Mark 3:13-15