(A Communion Poem)

Spiritual vitality seems so lacking in life and ministry;

Service is given, but often not with great vivacity.

The servant of God must search for that which brings Life,

Or be in grave danger of being snuffed out by sin and strife!


God’s greatest gift this side of Heaven must be the Holy Spirit;

He was sent to help us when we are at the end of our wits.

He is there to Teach, to Counsel, to Empower for ministry;

His Presence and Power enable us to take our place in history.


He is able to give Life to our mortal bodies, so weakened by sin;

He brings about a cleansing in the deepest recesses within.

He convicts our souls and lifts us up to a higher realm of thought,

He strongly reminds us that we have truly been blood-bought!


How wonderful it is to be made alive by a great and mighty God;

How glorious it is to come into the Presence of the living Lord.

We do not need to live defeated in our sin-filled, sorrowful ways;

He is able to breathe new life and help us be victorious every day!



Inspiration: Romans 8:11

Charles Tan