You Are My Beloved Son

It must have been a very hard decision that God made,
To send His beloved Son to a world full of evil and hate.
Yet there was no choice if redemption was God’s plan,
Only One who is perfectly righteous can redeem man.
It would be a very hard task that Jesus would have to undertake,
The path would not be made easier, and He must suffer for man’s sake.
How pleased God was when His beloved Son offered to pay the price,
The mightiest angels would not be able to make the supreme sacrifice!
With joy and pride God voiced His full approval when Jesus was baptized,
His baptism was associated with pain and suffering more than many realized.
His voice caused the heavens to split wide open so that all may know,
This was God’s beloved Son, the fullness of blessing on Him He would bestow!
John the Baptiser bore witness that Jesus was truly the Lamb of God,
He felt unworthy of baptizing Jesus, who was truly his mighty Lord.
He proclaimed with all his might, that Jesus was the Messiah foretold,
To believe in Him and to follow Him would be a decision, wise and bold.

Inspiration:  Mark 1: 11; John 1:29, 36

Charles Tan