17 January 2015

The Christian Walk

The Christian Walk
Text: Philippians 3:17-21

YPG Messages Archive

The Christian Walk
Text: Philippians 3:17-21

YPG Messages Archive

Message Notes


1. Our Christian “Talk”

a) Our profession of faith in Christ

b) Our knowledge of the Scriptures

2. Our Christian “Walk”

a) Paul offered himself as an example/ a pattern            Philippians 3:17

b) The Christian walk is to be noted              Philippians 3:17

3. Those who profess faith but do not walk according to their profession of faith

a) A word of warning had already been given earlier             Philippians 3:18

b) Another word is now given, with tears             Philippians 3:18

i) Their walk betrays them

ii) Their contrary walk marks them as “enemies of Christ”            Philippians 3:18

iii) Their end is destruction            Philippians 3:19

iv) Whose god is their belly            Philippians 3:19

v) Whose glory is their shame         Philippians 3:19


1. Our heavenly citizenship           Philippians 3:20

2. We await eagerly the return of Christ            Philippians 3:20

3. We await the ultimate transformation            Philippians 3:21

a) Our lowly body will be transformed

b) It will be conformed to His glorious body

c) Divine power is able to subdue all things


Philippians 3:21
Who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.