29 May 2005

1st Retreat: A Friend Loves At All Times Session 1

1st Retreat: A Friend Loves At All Times Session 1

1st Retreat: A Friend Loves At All Times

1st Retreat: A Friend Loves At All Times Session 1

1st Retreat: A Friend Loves At All Times

Message Notes

YAG RETREAT 29 May 2005
Session #1
Sunday afternoon (2.00pm)
Text: 1 Samuel 16
Tracing God’s Hand in Life

1. The Place of the Scriptures

Now all these things happened to them as examples…

1 Corinthians 10:11

a) Reference to the Scriptures at the Retreat

b) Drawing principles from the Biblical text

c) Learning to discuss the Scriptures as a part of conversation

d) Learning to apply the Scriptures consciously in life

2. The Hand of God in Life

a) God’s Invisible but very Certain Involvement in life

b) God’s Sovereign will to be borne in mind

3. Tracing the Hand of God in the life of Israel

a) Historical Context- Israel as a Monarchy

b) Saul as the first king of Israel          (1 Samuel 8-10)

c) Rejection of Saul as king          (1 Samuel 15)

d) Choice of David as the future king of Israel          (1 Samuel 16)

4. Tracing the Hand of God in the life of David

a) Anointed by the Lord

You shall anoint for Me the one that I name to you

1 Samuel 16:3

b) The criterion of “External Appearances”

Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature…

1 Samuel 16:7a, 8-10

c) The criterion of “The Heart”

The LORD looks at the heart

1 Samuel 16:7b

d) Disdained by the family

There remains yet the youngest, and there he is, keeping the sheep

1 Samuel 16:11

e) Chosen by the Lord

The LORD said, ‘Arise, anoint him; for this is the one.

1 Samuel 16:12

f) Confirmed by the Lord

And the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward…

1 Samuel 16:13

5. Tracing the Hand of God in Our Personal Life
Discussion and Application

a) The concept of being Children of God and thus joint heirs with Christ          Romans 8:17

b) The Spirit of God in our life          Romans 8

i) Spirit of Life          Romans 8:2

ii) Living according to the Spirit          Romans 8:4

iii) Indwelt by the Spirit          Romans 8:11

iv) Led by the Spirit          Romans 8:14

v) Spirit of adoption          Romans 8:15

vi) Witness of the Spirit          Romans 8:16

vii) Firstfruits of the Spirit          Romans 8:23

viii) Help of the Spirit          Romans 8:26

ix) Intercession of the Spirit          Romans 8:27

c) Learning to trace God’s Hand in our personal life

i) What lessons are we learning?

ii) How has our life changed consequently?

iii) How has our life been enriched?