June 15, 2014

Lest Darkness Overtake You

During the times of Jesus, many were spiritually blind to who He is despite Him performing many signs. The Lord declared to the people that He is indeed the light of the world on at least three separate occasions (John 8:12, 9:5, 11:9). And yet the people continued in their darkness and could not see Him for who He really is. He was right in front of them and yet they could not spiritually recognise Him as the Messiah who was prophesied in the Scriptures. The Lord strongly encouraged them to walk while they still had the light in front of them lest darkness overtook them.

“Lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going.” 
John 12:35

The word “overtake” in the Greek means to “have a tight hold over”. When we do not respond to the light, darkness would come upon us and seize us with a strong hold … one that would be hard to get out of. Those who walk in the darkness of their heart and mind will not be able to discern and distinguish the direction that they are taking. They would be aimless and lost in sin and darkness. Young people, the challenge is for us to respond to the light while we can.

Getting Down To Responding To The Light

1. Getting Down To Believing The Light

“While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.” 
John 12:36

The Lord Jesus was challenging the people to exercise their faith while the light was shining in the world. The Lord Jesus knew that the judgment of the world was in motion. Soon, He would be lifted up on the cross and He would draw all men to Himself. Soon, He would no longer be with His disciples. While they still had the light with them, they were to believe in the light of the Lord and His word. They were to exercise faith and enter into this realm of light, with the purpose of becoming sons of light. In the text of John 1, the Lord Jesus was portrayed as the true light that gives light to every man. When we receive Him, He would give us the right to be become children of God (John 1:12). In reality, the people did not understand what Jesus was teaching them. They could not come to the light of His word. Young people, let’s exercise faith in the light of the gospel that we may become God’s children.

2. Getting Down To Walking In The Light

“A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the light” 
John 12:35

The Lord Jesus challenged the people to walk in the light while the light was still shining before them. The time would soon come when the light would no longer be shining. They were meant to walk by following the light of the world.

“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” 
John 8:12

The person who follows Him will walk out of darkness and have the light of life. There would be a tremendous sense of light, meaning and vitality to his life. There must be this sense of urgency in walking in the light. Young people, let’s seek to respond to the light while the light is shining in our hearts. Youth Night Out is held this Friday. Let’s seek to come and learn what it means to believe in the light and walk in it lest darkness overtake us.

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