by Pastor Mitch
July 02, 2006

The Definition Of Faith

What is faith? The writer of Hebrews defines for us in a nutshell what faith is.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Hebrews 11:1

1. Faith Is Hope Built On A Solid Foundation

The word “substance” has the idea of “foundation”. Faith is based on a solid foundation. It is established on something that we can be fully confident in. That solid foundation is the Lord and His word. The word of God is the solid foundation that we can hope in for the unknown future.

2. Faith Is Being Able To See The Proof Of Things That Are Invisible

We cannot see God at any time and yet, there is overwhelming evidence that He exists. Faith helps us see God as an invisible and yet true and living being. It helps us see the reality of things in the past, present and future with God in mind. Even though we have not seen these things in the past or the “yet to be seen” things in the future with our own eyes, faith helps to conclude they are a reality.

A Vital Expression Of Faith – Obtaining A Good Testimony

How do we know whether one’s faith is real? Genuine faith is seen by its expressions. One vital expression of faith is the obtaining a good testimony for the Lord.

“For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.”
Hebrews 11:2

The “elders” was a reference to Old Testament heroes of faith. Examples like Noah, Abraham and Joseph lived their lives by faith. It was not easy for them to obtain a good testimony. They went through much hardship for the Lord. They were persecuted and tortured. They were threatened and despised. Yet, it was by means of a solid faith in the Lord and His promises that they were able to acquire a good testimony. They obtained a good report for themselves as servants of God. We too can obtain a good testimony by means of faith.

Moving Towards A Stronger Faith

Young people, let’s be challenged to move towards a stronger faith in the Lord. The writer of Hebrews has given us a working definition of what faith is. Let’s express our faith by seeking to have a good testimony. If our faith is strong, we will have a blameless testimony before the Lord. Let’s seek to cultivate our faith to a greater degree.

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