by Pastor Mitch
November 17, 2013

The Lord Does Not See As Man Sees

What does God look for in a man who can be used by Him? His divine perspective concerning how He chooses is inversely different from man’s way of choosing.

“Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance” 
1 Samuel 16:7

When God sent Samuel to Jesse’s home to choose His future servant who would be King, he thought that Eliab would be the one, being strong in stature and the eldest in the family. But God had to teach Samuel that He was not looking at the outward appearance as man sees. He was not looking for common physical features like stature and credentials. King Saul was a tall, well-built and handsome man but sadly, he did not have a right kind of heart before God. He had disobeyed Him on many occasions and was rejected by Him. God was looking instead for a person with a right kind of heart. He would also specially name him. It was David, son of Jesse.

The Kind Of Heart That The Lord Looks For In His Servant

“But the Lord looks at the heart.” 
1 Samuel 16:7

David had the right kind of heart before God.

1. A Heart That Has Absolute Trust In God

“Moreover David said, ‘The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear'” 
1 Samuel 17:37

As a young shepherd tending to the flock, David learnt to have a tremendous trust in God and His protection. His heart had learnt to place his full trust in God when he had to face wild animals as he defended his sheep. David feared the Lord and he, without a doubt, had cultivated great trust in His presence and protection. Even the servants of Saul knew that the Lord was with David (1 Samuel 16:18). Let’s also learn to have absolute trust in Him.

2. A Heart That Is Humble And Diligent

“There remains yet the youngest, and there he is, keeping the sheep.” 
1 Samuel 16:11

David was looked down upon by his father because he was the youngest and was sent out into the field to be a shepherd. He did not even consider calling him to come and see Samuel. And yet, David humbly and diligently did his work as a shepherd. David had a heart that was humble and faithful in his duty as a responsible shepherd. Let’s learn to have a heart that is humble and diligent too.

3. A Heart That Will Obey The Lord’s Will

“I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.” 
Acts 13:22

David had a heart that loved God and he sought to do all that was in His will. He was devoted to God in offering joyful worship to Him and in praising Him. When he sinned against God, he would always turn back to Him and seek forgiveness. He did his best to obey the ways of the Lord. Because of the kind of heart that David had, he was selected by God to be the next King. He was specially anointed by the Spirit of God (1 Samuel 16:13). Let’s have a right heart as we seek to answer the call of the Lord to be His servant. With such a heart, He will fill us with His Spirit to do His will.

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