by Pastor Mitch
January 16, 2005

Working Towards Spiritual Ideals

A Christian must always have spiritual ideals to work towards. Without them, he will not have a sense of direction for his life and ministry. Ideals give us a sense of purpose. They also inspire and drive us towards a higher level of spirituality and relationship with the Lord. Imagine if all of us seek to have spiritual ideals as common goals for our lives! We will be able to reflect the Lord’s glory through all that we seek to do for Him. Let’s seek to work towards these spiritual goals.

Five Spiritual Ideals

What are the five spiritual ideals that we want to aim towards?

  1. Godliness – This word in the Greek means to be reverent and pious towards God. We are to be holy in the sight of the Lord.
  2. Purity – Another important ideal to work towards is having a heart that is pure and cleansed.
  3. Love – There must also be a deep sense of love for the brethren.
  4. Good conscience – A good conscience will teach us to discern and choose that which is right and not wrong.
  5. Genuine Faith – It is vital that we seek to have to a faith that is unhypocritical.

The Cultivation Of Spiritual Ideals

How can we go about cultivating these spiritual ideals?

1. Letting God’s Word Work In Our Lives

“Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith…” 
1 Timothy 1:5

The purpose of God’s commandments is to help us cultivate the above spiritual ideals. When we allow the Lord’s word to dwell in our hearts and guide our lives, definite results will manifest. We will love from a pure heart. We will have sincere faith. We will possess a good conscience.

2. Training Ourselves Towards These Spiritual Ideals

“But reject profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness.” 
1 Timothy 4:7

Godliness is something that we must train ourselves in. There is no short cut to godliness. It takes nothing less than hard work and consistent effort to cultivate these spiritual ideals. Let’s seek to do all we can to be the kind of Christians God meant us to be. Let’s cultivate these spiritual ideals as an integral part of our lives.

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