by Pastor Mitch
December 16, 2012

Will There Be Faith When The Lord Comes To Judge The Earth?

What would be the spiritual state of the world when the Lord Jesus comes for us? At His first advent, the Lord entered a world plagued with great darkness. Being the Light of the world, He dispelled the darkness that was in the heart of man with His light. When our Savior comes again, how would the world fare by then? The text of Luke 18 gives us a glimpse of what to expect.

“Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” 
Luke 18:8

When the Lord comes as a thief in the night, He would be looking for people who possess the kind of faith that He approves of. It is a faith that is genuine and one that would hold fast to Him no matter what. And yet, the reality of the matter is that such faith would be greatly lacking when Christ returns. Young people, would we be part of a world that is in grave apostasy? Let’s seek not to be.

The Challenge To Have The Faith To Pray

“Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart” 
Luke 18:1

The kind of faith that the Lord is looking for is one that believes in prayer and will keep praying. The word “ought” in Greek means “strong sense of necessity”. There must be this strong sense of “oughtness” to pray rather than to allow ourselves to feel defeated in the midst of the challenges of life. It is easy for people to lose heart as they go through tough moments. We must courageously choose not to lose heart. Paul wrote in the text of Colossians 4:2 that we are to continue earnestly in prayer and to be vigilant in it, with thanksgiving. Prayer should be a constant expression of our faith despite whatever we may face.

Being Deeply Inspired By The Words Of The Lord

“Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.” 
Luke 18:4-5

The Lord Jesus told the parable of the persistent widow to encourage the hearts of the disciples to pray. There was a judge in a city who had no fear of God or man. When a woman wanted justice against her adversary, she persistently came to the judge’s home. Because of her continuous calling at his home, he could not stand it and adhered to her request. The Lord Jesus emphasized to the disciples to hear and consider what the judge said. Even though the judge was not a respecter of God and man and he did not respond for a while, he did in the end. Because the woman persistently came to the judge’s house to seek for justice, he gave in to her. The Lord Jesus also taught in the text of Luke 11:5-9 of the persistence of a friend in asking another friend for food and how his friend also adhered to his request. God will hear us when we ask in faith. Let’s be deeply inspired to pray. Let’s find the inspiration and motivation from the word of the Lord to keep praying.

Praying With Tremendous Persistence Of Faith In God

“And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily.”
Luke 18:7-8

If a judge without regard for God and man would help this persistent widow, by an even greater degree God who loves us as His elect would hear and answer our cries for justice! This is our privilege. God will hear our calls for help when we persistently seek Him for answers. Our challenge is to humbly cry out to the Lord day and night, till He comes and bring judgment to the world. The Lord delays His coming because He does not want any to perish. Let’s always persist in prayer till He comes for us.

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