by Pastor Mitch
November 25, 2007

God’s Standards Meant For Our Own Good

Standards are important in everyday life. All students must meet certain standards! Workers must have a yardstick for their work. God has also set for His people certain principles that they must seek to live by.

“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you… for your good”
Deuteronomy 10:12-13

The Lord’s requirements were meant for the good of His people. When people meet up to what God wants them to be, His hand of blessing will be upon them. Young people, let’s be challenged to meet up to the Lord’s standards through His grace and mercies.

Five Essential Principles To Live By

“But to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes” 
Deuteronomy 10:12-13

1. Possessing The Fear Of The Lord

The Lord wants us to have to have a proper regard and reverence for Him. We must always seek to recognize the Lordship of God and to fear Him for who He is.

2. Living In The Ways Of The Lord

The Lord also wants us to walk in His ways and not in our own ways. We are to practice a lifestyle that is characterized by His truths. Let’s seek to know His paths.

3. Loving The Lord Always

We must learn to have a heart that really appreciates and loves the Lord always. Our love for the Lord must be one that grows deep and we must never allow it to grow cold.

4. Serving The Lord With Deep Personal Commitment

Service for the Lord must also become a part of our life. We must put our heart and soul into service in whatever way we can. Our challenge is to seek to do our best for Him.

5. Obeying The Commandments Of God

Lastly, we must have the highest regard for His word. Let’s seek to submit to God’s commandments and to obey them. Let’s seek to always keep His word for our good.

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