by Pastor Mitch
October 17, 2004

Taken Captive To Do The Evil One’s Will

There are some who are ignorant that they are being used by the evil one today. They may think that they doing God’s will, but in reality, they are doing the will of Satan. When false “teachers” promote their teachings, they will often end up engaging in foolish disputes.

“But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.” 
2 Timothy 2:23

Such arguments over doctrinal matters will only create strife within the Church. Satan has lured them into his trap.

“And escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.” 
2 Timothy 2:26

The evil one, through the embellishment of falsehood, ensnares Christians into opposing that which is truth. They are literally taken captive to do his devious will. It is our duty that we do all we can to defend our faith and correct those who are wrong.

Our Goal In Correcting Those Who Are Wrong

“If God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil…” 
2 Timothy 2:25-26

Our part is to seek to correct Christians who have been deceived. We are to guide to the point where the Lord will rescue these people from the trap of the evil one. We must help them know the truth. It is through the teaching of truth that they will be enlightened and they might come to their senses. Our goal is to help them see where they are wrong, lead them to repentance, and aid them to escape the snare of the evil one.

Practising A Humble Approach Towards Correction

“And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition…” 
2 Timothy 2:24-25

It is important that we have a humble approach towards those who are in opposition.

1. It Takes A Non-Quarrelling Disposition

When we correct false teachings, we must prevent ourselves from quarrelling. It is easy to end up quarrelling. In the process of correcting people with false doctrines, we must endeavour not to quarrel.

2. It Takes Gentleness

We must be gentle in the way we correct. When we are gentle, people are more receptive.

3. It Takes Skill In Teaching

We must also have the skill to teach and correct those who are wrong. This will come through growth and experience.

4. It Takes Patience

It takes a lot of patience and faith to correct someone. Sometimes, such work cannot be done within one session. It takes much time and effort to change a person’s mindset. Let’s do all we can correct those who are doctrinally wrong. Let’s rescue them from the snare of the devil.

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