by Pastor Mitch
September 25, 2011

Struggling With “The Green-Eyed Monster” Called Envy

Envy is a far more destructive feeling that we realise. The book of Proverbs speaks of how envy “is rottenness to the soul” (Proverbs 14:30). It was envy that caused the religious leaders to hand Jesus over to Pilate (Matthew 27:18). Envy can be a vicious “monster” within us that is capable of great destruction. It is written in the text of Psalm 73 of the painful effects of allowing envy to ravage our soul. Asaph wrote of how his feet had almost stumbled because he was envious at the prosperity of the wicked. He saw how the wicked seemed to be having a better time (Psalm 73:4-9). They do not have trouble like other men. They eat in abundance. They are strong and they do not seem to need God. When the Psalmist considered these things, he felt that he had been cleansing his heart in vain. Envy would cause us to make comparisons from a short-term, superficial, very physical point of view. As he tried to come to terms with this, it became too painful for him (Psalm 73:16). We only hurt ourselves when we allow envy to take control of us

Fighting Envy With Putting Our Trust In God

“I have put my trust in the Lord God” 
Psalm 73:28

Although the Psalmist struggled, he continued to place his trust in God.

1. Trusting In God’s Sense Of Goodness And Justice

“Truly, God is good to Israel, to such as are pure in heart.” 
Psalm 73:1

“Until I went into the sanctuary of God;
Then I understood their end.” 

Psalm 73:17

God is good and just. The Lord would always be good to those who are pure in heart. As God was good to Israel, so He would also be good to those who continue to seek to be pure in His sight. Cleansing of our hearts is not in vain because we know that God would bless those who live for Him. On the other hand, the Lord would deal with the wicked one day. Although they seem to be prospering for the moment, God would judge them one day, whether it is in this life or the next. Our challenge is to trust in God’s goodness and His sense of justice.

2. Developing Our Relationship With God

Trusting in God would cause us to develop our relationship with Him in a deeper way.

a. Learning To Continue With The Lord

“Nevertheless I am continually with You;
You hold me by my right hand.” 

Psalm 73:23

The Psalmist sought to continue with the Lord no matter what. There was a special trust in God that the Lord would hold him in his right hand. It is wonderful to know that God would hold us through the challenges of life. There was that trust in God to continue with Him.

b. Seeking Guidance From The Lord

“You will guide me with Your counsel.” 
Psalm 73:24

There was also the trust that God would guide the Psalmist as he went through life. The Lord will guide us with His counsel too when we pray for it and seek it. Let’s trust that He would show us His ways.

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