by Pastor Mitch
March 20, 2005

When The Will Of God Seems Vague To Us

When it comes to the matter of understanding the will of God, it is often seen as “vague”. We do not really know what it is. The average young person would deem God’s will as somewhat abstract and hard to understand. Does this mean that God’s will is constantly unclear and unknowable to us? Absolutely not! The will of God is clear and without a doubt, perfect and relevant. However, we are the ones who will frequently end up with a vague understanding. Young people, when the will of God seems vague to us, it will result in our living directionless lives – with dire consequences! It is vital that we seek to have a clear understanding of the will of God.

The Example Of Israel In Falling Into Danger Because Of Having A Vague Understanding

The nation of Israel started off with clarity of understanding. The great prophet Moses delineated for the people what God’s plan was for them. He wrote the book of Deuteronomy to explain how God’s will was both good and gracious. However, as time passed, the people of Israel did not take heed of His word. Instead, they departed from the word of God and ended up with a vague understanding of His will. There was a big problem of rejecting the knowledge of God and His word.

“Because you have rejected knowledge” 
Hosea 4:6

They had deliberately sought to forget the laws of God.

“Because you have forgotten the law of your God” 
Hosea 4:6

When people chose to reject knowledge, their understanding of God’s will became ambiguous. This brought about dire consequences. The people of Israel were both “spiritually and physically” destroyed.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
Hosea 4:6

There was widespread apostasy. Young people, may we never allow such vague understanding to thrive in our midst. Let’s seek to have clarity of understanding of the will of God.

Instruments To Having A Clear Understanding Of God’s Will

There are two instruments that we need to have clarity of God’s will.

1. Pursuing Knowledge

“Let us know,
Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord.” 

Hosea 6:3

If we do have a vague understanding of the will of God at present, let’s pursue a greater knowledge of God and His word. Knowledge is a key instrument to understanding the will of God. Let’s seek to grow in our knowledge of God’s word. Let’s never cease growing in this respect.

2. Exercising Greater Faith

“By faith we understand…” 
Hebrews 11:3

Let’s also seek to exercise faith in the knowledge that we have gained. It is through faith that we can understand God and His wonderful ways. Young people, let’s not remain where we are, having vague understanding of the Scriptures. Let’s seek to have a clear understanding of God’s will and to fulfill it.

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