by Pastor Mitch
April 11, 2004

A Mind To Work Hard

The cultivation of a tough mindset requires much focus and effort. When Paul challenged Timothy to be a strong Christian, he gave him power packed mind pictures to focus on. He was to have the mindset of a hardy Christian soldier. Next, he was to cultivate the attitude of a victorious Christian athlete. Paul also taught Timothy to develop the tenacity of a hardworking and patient farmer.

“The hard-working farmer must be first to partake of the crops.”
2 Timothy 2:6

The word “hard-working” means to labour to the point of exhaustion. Farmers would be involved in long hours of backbreaking labour under all kinds of conditions. They would toil hard from dawn to dusk. Much of the work may be tedious and tiring. But the farmer would stay committed to his task. Young people, let’s learn to also cultivate such a mindset.

A Hardworking Christian Farmer Is Also Patient

The farmer must not only learn to work hard. He must also be able to wait patiently for a good harvest. Patience is also an important quality of a strong Christian. It is never easy to wait. In this world, everything is expected to be done in an instant. The challenge for us is to be patient even if it takes a while before the fruits of our labour are seen.

“The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops.” 
2 Timothy 2:6

A farmer is willing to wait with the hope of a good harvest. When we are patient, we will be the first to partake of the harvest. Young people, we must learn to have such fortitude of spirit. Strength comes when we have a mindset that is willing to wait.

Establishing Our Hearts In Waiting For The Lord’s Coming

James also applied the patience of a farmer to the concept of the Lord’s coming.

“Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord.”
James 5:7

It is easy to doubt whether the Lord Jesus is going to come again. The word “be patient” means to be longsuffering… to patiently endure.

“See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain.” 
James 5:7

We have to learn to be patient like the farmers who wait for the time when the rain will fall. Life may be tough and it may be filled with many challenges, but there is the hope of Christ returning for us one day. We must also learn to strengthen our hearts as we wait for His impending return.

“You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.” 
James 5:8

The Lord is not slack in fulfilling His promises. Let’s establish our hearts to patiently look for the His coming.

A Reminder To Depend On The Lord’s Grace At All Times

As we cultivate these different mindsets, we must not forget to depend on the Lord’s grace (1 Timothy 2:1). Yes, our part is to develop a strong and tough mindset that would be able to cope with any challenge of life and ministry. At the same time, we must remember that it is only by the Lord’s grace that we can achieve anything. Let’s never forget to rely on the Lord’s grace at all times.

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