
by Mitchell Tan
January 15, 2021


David was specially chosen by the Lord to be His servant … to be the next king of Israel. He was chosen not because of his external appearances. He certainly was not tall and physically well-built like his brothers. In fact, being the youngest, he was “written off” by his father and brothers. And yet he was the one specially appointed by God to do His will.

“For I have provided Myself a king among his sons.”
1 Samuel 16:1

“You shall anoint for Me the one I name to you.”
1 Samuel 16:3

“The Lord had not chosen these.”
1 Samuel 16:10

“And the Lord said, ‘Arise, anoint him; for this is the one!’”
1 Samuel 16:12

What a privilege to be chosen by the Lord! Despite David’s weaknesses and sins, he was still called by God to be king (1 Samuel 16:12). Pastor spoke on the last day of Youth Conference about what it meant for one to be chosen. He used the acronym CHOSEN to bring this across. Let’s take time to dwell on the first three letters of “CHOSEN”.


The Lord God was the one who was going to bring about change in David’s life. David was chosen by Him to learn what it means to change so that he could do His greater will. This change must come from the inside out. God had to do a work from deep within him.


God does not look at the outward appearance but at the heart of a person (1 Samuel 16:7). David was chosen because of what was really in his heart. He had one that was humble before God and he loved Him with all his heart and soul. He was a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14). The Lord worked within him and he learnt to be faithful to the Lord and did not turn aside to idols.


Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the Lord did a work of transformation in the life of David. There were many weaknesses and sins in his life. He needed an overall overhaul. The Lord needed to do a complete work within Him. He would take apart everything within him and do an overhaul of his life.


“Chosen” does not necessarily mean that we are ready to serve immediately. It simply means that this privilege of being chosen by God has been given to us. There comes a tremendous sense of purpose in our lives that goes beyond just studying and taking exams. We have been chosen to be saved by the Lord. We have been chosen to be sanctified by His word. We have been chosen to serve His people. Even as we progress into this year, let’s consider what it means for the Lord to do a work of change in our lives that we may do His greater will. It is a work that has to go deep within us … right down to our hearts. It is a work that the Spirit of God has to do within us. God willing, we can have a heart that is faithful and devoted to the Lord. Let’s learn to pray about this and seek the Lord diligently that He may do a complete overhaul of our lives.

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