Believing in the Resurrection of Christ!

by Mitchell Tan
April 01, 2021

It is an irrefutable truth that Christ resurrected from the dead. He came to this world to reach sinners with the gospel of the kingdom of God. He died for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead to be God’s triumphant King over death. There are very strong reasons why we should believe in the resurrection of Christ. Let’s use the acronym
BELIEF to bring this across.

1. B – BASIS

The Scriptures are the foundational basis of our belief in Christ and His resurrection. Many prophecies of Christ, predicted thousands of years earlier, were fulfilled when He died and rose from the dead. He personally spoke about His own resurrection and He fulfilled it. The fact of His resurrection is founded on the word of God. It is according to the objective truths of the Scriptures.


There were many eyewitnesses to His resurrection. It has been recorded in the Bible that more than 500 brethren saw the Lord Jesus alive days after His death. He was teaching His disciples for 40 days. There are infallible proofs with regards to His resurrection.


Many in the Bible spoke of how they have been transformed by a living Saviour. The Lord Jesus is seen as truly alive and He has brought abundant life to many through faith in Him. He has transformed the lives of individuals like the apostles Paul and Peter. Their lives have been so greatly changed that you cannot help but recognise that this is the power of God at work through Christ.


The reality of the Lord’s resurrection from the dead made a tremendous impact on the disciples of Jesus and the world. It brought about the commencement of a new wonderful entity called the Church. The early churches reached out to the world and thousands came to have faith in Him. We read in the book of Acts of how Churches were specially planted and established. This goal of reaching the world continues today through the work of missions and the power of the Spirit.


The Scriptures also teach that there is an invisible spiritual world beyond this physical world. There is the reality of eternity in heaven in the afterlife. Eternity is something that can become so real and special to us. We have a home beyond this earthly world. The Lord Jesus has prepared a room for us in our Father’s heavenly home. We can have this living hope beyond this world to a heavenly home where God and Christ are.


a. Faith – We can place our full faith in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. He is alive and real.

b. Following Jesus – We also want to follow the Lord Jesus all the days of ourlives. There is no greater joy than to follow Him.

c. Faithful – By the grace of God, our prayer is that we can be faithful to the Lord until He comes for us.

Young people, may the resurrection of the Lord Jesus be real to you. Let’s believe in the Lord Jesus as a living Saviour. Let’s love Him and follow Him till the day we die.

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