by Pastor Mitch
January 06, 2013

Looking At Jesus As The Ultimate Servant Of God

There is no better person to focus on than the Lord Jesus as we think about serving God for 2013. Our Saviour is the epitome of what it means to be a servant of God.

“Behold! My Servant whom I uphold,
My Elect One in whom My souls delights!
I have put My Spirit upon Him”
Isaiah 42:1

This was a prophetic word with regard to God’s approval of the Lord Jesus as His servant. Because He would prove Himself worthy as a Servant of God, our Father would place His Spirit on Him and enable Him to bring justice to the Gentiles. God’s hand would specially support the Lord Jesus to do His work. Young people, let’s also seek to be filled with the Spirit of God as we consider what it means to serve Him for 2013.

The Spirit-Filled Character Of The Lord Jesus

As we serve the Lord, it is important that we develop the same Spirit-filled characteristics as our Master had when He served on this earth. Let’s highlight several characteristics this week.

1. The Gentleness And Self-Control Of The Lord Jesus

“He will not cry out, nor raise His voice,
Nor cause His voice to be heard in the street.”
Isaiah 42:2

The Lord Jesus would display gentleness as He ministered in public. He would not shout unnecessarily. He had absolute self-control over his spirit and temper. Our Saviour would not allow Himself to raise His voice at others unless it was called for. When the Pharisees saw Jesus healing on the Sabbath, they plotted concerning how they might destroy Him. The Lord Jesus, instead of confronting them, withdrew from where they were. He fulfilled this prophecy from Isaiah 42(Matthew 12:15-21) by avoiding them. There was tremendous stillness and wisdom in moving away from those who sought for His life. When the Lord Jesus was reviled by others on the cross, He did not raise His voice against them. Young people, let’s seek the filling of the Spirit of God that we may be gentle and in control of our spirit as the Lord Jesus was.

2. The Love And Kindness Of The Lord Jesus

“A bruised reed He will not break,
And smoking flax He will not quench.”
Isaiah 42:3

Isaiah also prophesied that the Lord Jesus would be loving and kind to people, especially those who were lowly and despised. He would not give up on those who may be regarded in one way or another lesser than others. A reed was used to write on scrolls. If it was accidentally bruised, it would often be broken and discarded. When a strand of flax used in a lamp starts to create lots of smoke, it would also be thrown away. And yet, these things could still be used if one knew how to make the necessary adjustments. The Lord Jesus would not give up on those who were shunned and detested by others. He did not look down on the Gentiles, although they were hated by the Jews. He sought to love them by reaching out to them. Our Master did not despise the Samaritan woman when He asked her for water and sought to give her living waters (John 4). He went specially on the feast of the Jews to heal a man who had an infirmity for 38 years. He showed much grace to these people. Young people, let’s also follow the Lord’s example in being kind and gracious to all. Let’s learn not to give up on people.

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