“Because You Are Strong”

by Mitchell Tan
June 02, 2017


One short life. That is all that we have. For Jerrie Jiang, her life consisted only 23 years. And yet she has become an example to both young and old. Four years ago, she was diagnosed with leukaemia, and after going through many chemotherapy sessions, a bone marrow transplant operation and many other procedures, she went home to be with the Lord early Tuesday morning, 30 May 2017. What stood out about her short life? It was her vibrant faith in the Lord God that shone brightly as she coped with her health problems. She held fast to the Lord’s word and it strengthened and enabled her to press on. She endured, trusting in the Lord Jesus to the very end. I thank God for her testimony of faith in the Lord. She was faithful to the end.


As I reflect on Jerrie’s life, I am reminded of how young people can find strength in the Lord despite what may be hurled at us.


“I have written to you, young men,
Because you are strong …”
1 John 2:14

The apostle John wrote of how young people can be strong spiritually. The word “strong” in Greek is the word “ischuros”. This is a kind of strength that comes from the Lord and strengthens us inwardly. It helps us to have the courage and steadfastness to achieve the task at hand. John observed that the young people were in state of being strong. This is something that all of us can have. As Jerrie struggled with her condition, she found strength through her faith in the Lord. Yes, there were times when she struggled, but she exercised faith. She was strong enough to cope with her many challenges.


“And the word of God abides in you”
1 John 2:14

The important principle of finding strength in the Lord is having His word abide within us. The word “abide” in Greek is the word “menó”. It has the idea of the need to remain. Scripture is what will help us press on. The word “abide” in the Greek is also in the present tense. We are to continue to remain in His word. We are to remember His word and to make it part of our life. Jerrie found a special sense of joy in reading the word of God and listening to the messages from our Bethany website. It was the word of God abiding in her that strengthened her. Abiding in His word enabled her to be victorious to the very end.


Let’s be inspired by how Jerrie sought to hold fast to her faith despite the sufferings that she had to go through. When we have seen the challenging things that Jerrie had to face and she still held fast to her faith, what are our puny problems compared to what she went through? She pressed on and sought to be an overcomer. She understood the important principle of abiding in the word of God. And the Lord’s presence was with her. We too can find strength in the Lord and in His word. Let’s take time to memorise His word and abide in it. Let’s learn to have an overcoming faith in the Lord Jesus as Jerrie did. May her example of faith and strength be remembered in our hearts.

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