by Pastor Mitch
September 07, 2008

A Woman Showing A Great Heart Of Love

Do you have a heart of love for others? More often than not, we tend to love ourselves more than we love others. In the text of 2 Kings 4:8-17, there was a notable woman who displayed a great heart of love for God’s servant. We want to learn from her example of how she sought to show deep concern for Elisha.

1. Beginning With A Small Act Of Love

“And she persuaded him to eat some food.” 
2 Kings 4:8

When she saw Elisha walk past, she showed love by persuading him to eat a meal. She practised her faith in God by providing for this servant of God.

2. Continuing With Other Acts Of Love

“So it was, as often as he passed by, he would turn in there to eat some food.” 
2 Kings 4:8

This notable lady did not just begin with an act of love. She continued with more acts of love by cooking food for Elijah every time he passed by her house.

3. Doing A Big Act Of Love

Finally, the lady decided that she would do a big act of love by building an upper room for him (2 Kings 4:9-11). The room would have a bed, a table, a chair and a lampstand. This was indeed a huge act of love. One day, when Elisha passed by her house, he did stay at this lady’s home. Her love for God’s servant was commendable. She truly had a big heart of love.

Cultivating A Great Heart Of Love

“Look, you have been concerned for us with all this care.” 
2 Kings 4:13

How can we go about cultivating a heart of love for people? Let’s start by showing concern for others, including the Lord’s servants. We must go beyond focusing on ourselves to looking at the needs of others. Let’s show our care for others by expressing it in practical ways. This lady showed that she really cared by doing deeds of love. She did not expect anything from him. Real love is expressed when we expect nothing in return. Where can we start to show love for people? Let’s start in small ways. We can begin by doing little acts of love for people. Many young people are going to take their major exams soon. Let’s show that we care by writing notes of encouragement to them. We can pray for them and do little deeds that may encourage their hearts. Let’s also not forget the pastors. Let’s remember to care for them as well. When we do little acts of love and continue in them, we are on our way to cultivating a great heart of love for people.

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