The LORD Is High Above All Nations

By Pastor Mitch
October 04, 2019


The Psalmist made a call for servants of God to keep praising the Lord. The Servants of God were a reference to the kings, priests, Levites and elders. They were to praise the Lord on a daily basis no matter what.

From the rising of the sun to its going down the Lord’s name is to be praised.”  Psalm 113:3

There should be a strong sense of determination to praise the name of the Lord throughout the day. It is always good to begin the day with praising His name and to continue to do so until the end of the day. As we serve the Lord, there should a heart of praise and thanksgiving.  


The LORD is high above the nations, His glory above the heavens. Who is like the LORD our God who dwells on high, who humbles Himself to behold the things that are in the heavens and in the earth.”  Psalm 113:4-5 

One of the reasons why we should praise the Lord continually is because He is worthy of such praise.  Every day, His name deserves to be constantly lifted up.

1. God’s highly exalted position

a. The Lord reigns supreme above all the nations

The Lord’s position is far greater than any human nation. All the nations of the world are nothing before God. He is supreme and sovereign over all of them.

b. His glory is truly above all

The Lord’s glory is above the very heavens. The stars of the heavens reflect the glory of the Lord. And yet His glory is far above them.   

c. There is no God like our God

There is no other God like our God who dwells in eternity. Before the exile of the people of Israel, they were worshipping idols and sinning against the Lord. They were not faithful to Him. The challenge from the Psalmist was to see the Lord God for who He is really is. They were to recognise that there is no other God like Him.

2. God humbles Himself to consider us

Despite the great sovereignty of the Lord God, He graciously humbles Himself to look upon us. He looks down from heaven to behold the heavens and the things that are on earth. Who are we that the Lord should look upon us! We stand in awe that God would even consider us. This also is the glory of His graciousness. What is man that He would even think of us? This is indeed an amazing thought! His glory is truly above all things. Let’s give all glory to the Lord and no one else.