By Pastor Mitch
October 13, 2018

The Songs of Ascents were meant to help the pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem to focus on God.  As they sung each song from Psalm 120 onwards, there would be a strengthening of focus on the Lord.

  1. Psalm 120 – Being challenged to focus on the Lord as one who hears our prayers
  2. Psalm 121 –  Learning to focus on the Lord as the source of our help
  3. Psalm 122 – Expanding our focus to worshipping the Lord as our God and we as His people
  4. Psalm 123 – Concentrating our focus on the Lord as our Master
  5. Psalm 124 – Sharpening our focus on the Lord who stands by us and delivers us

May we also learn to have greater and sharper focus on the Lord.


“Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.  As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever.”  Psalm 125:1-2

As the pilgrims must learn to have a stronger focus on the Lord, they should also pray with trust in the Lord as their defender.  Jerusalem is actually surrounded by seven mountains.   They are Mount Moriah, Mount Bethzatha, Mount Scopus, Mount of Olives, Mount Opel, Mount Zion and Mount Ghareb.  They formed a natural strong defence for the city.   As much as these mountains surround and protect Jerusalem, even more the Lord surrounds His people and protects them from the works of wickedness.  This was something not to be taken for granted.

  1. They were to pray actively against the sceptre of wickedness (Psalm 125:4)
  2. They were to do good in the land (Psalm 125:4)
  3. They were to be faithful to the Lord.

If they failed to do these things, then they risked being carried away into captivity (Psalm 125:5).   The threat of Israel being captured was very real.   The people were meant to actively stand against wickedness.   They were to pray with trust in the Lord.   Young people, let’s learn to pray to God with trust that He would specially protect and keep us from wickedness.   Let’s seek to be faithful to Him always.