Study 81

by Charles Tan

Text: Daniel 10:1-21

Dear Young People,


In the latter part of Daniel 10, we have a graphic description of how Daniel found spiritual strength. We all know just how weak or strong we really are. Most times, we find ourselves spiritually drained.


The first step towards finding spiritual strength is to admit that we are weak. There is no shame in admitting weakness. There is no sin in feeling weak either. Yet, many of us will not admit just how weak we are. When we do not recognize our weakness, neither will we find that strength we need. Let us look at how Daniel admitted weakness.

“My lord, because of the vision my sorrows
have overwhelmed me, and I have retained no strength.
For how can this servant of my lord talk with you,
My lord? As for me, no strength remains in me…”
Daniel 10:16-17


As Daniel confessed his weakness, so he received help from the Lord. The strength that he obtained came through the word that was given to him.

“O man greatly beloved, fear not!
Peace be to you; Be strong, yes , be strong.”
Daniel 10:19a

That simple word does not seem very likely to give a whole lot of strength. Did Daniel receive strength from the mere utterance of these words? Let us look at what the next text says.

“So when he spoke to me I was strengthened, and said,
‘Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.’ ”
Daniel 10:19b

Miraculously, Daniel found that the words spoken to him filled him with renewed strength. He couldn’t explain how his weakness went away, but he knew now that he was strengthened afresh and he was able to carry on learning from the angel who spoke to him.

There is great power to be found in the Word of the Lord. The written word is not less powerful than the words spoken by the angel of the Lord. If we allow God’s Word to fill our hearts and minds, we will actually find renewal of strength again and again. Take time to feed on God’s Word!

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