Sweeter than the Honeycomb

2011 photoblog_cherie1Recently, I went on a trip to Cameron Highlands in Malaysia and got a chance to try honeycomb! From what I understand, honeycomb is unprocessed honey in its sweetest, purest form. Once the honey is extracted from the comb structure, it begins to deteoriate in quality. So honeycomb is the real deal!

It was FANTASTIC! It was extremely sweet but I thoroughly enjoyed it because I have a super sweet tooth. One day, I would like to visit a honey bee farm and eat honeycomb again!

In Psalm 19:10b, the word of God is described as

“Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.”

I guess how I feel towards honeycomb is how the author feels towards God’s Word. As I continue learning God’s Word, I hope that one day, I will also be able to say that God’s word is to me, sweeter than the honeycomb.


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