Seeking To Walk In The Light Of The Lord

Being overseas for an exchange semester, I am especially thankful for the Bethany Web Ministry and the online recordings of the messages because it allows me to learn and worship alongside fellow brethren each week! I was able to catch the Family Camp Messages each day live as well and I thank God for the many precious lessons learnt from camp.

One lesson that has impacted me was the danger of sin that draws us away from God and as the wickedness of man fills the mind, it causes the consciousness of God to dim in one’s life. As I reflected on this lesson, I am thankful that we can come before the Lord to ask for His forgiveness of sins and seek cleansing to overcome our sin problems, that we may once again, be able to draw near to Him.

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
1 John 1:9

As I seek to walk in the light of the Lord, I am conscious of the need to actively fight against the sin problems in my life, to resist the evil one daily. At the same time, I recognize the importance of coming before God each day to ask for His forgiveness and cleansing with a heart of repentance that truly desires to draw near to Him. It is only through the Lord’s cleansing that real and lasting change can take place in my life!

As I seek to memorize the word of God each day and fill my heart and mind with it, consciousness of God and His word grows and joy stems from hearing the Lord’s voice. I am thankful that we can walk righteously in His ways, in the light and not in the ways of the world!




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