Giving Thanks For God’s Mercies

The year began with much uncertainty with regard to the COVID-19 situation. If anything else, it has caused much worry, panic and anxiety and we see the different responses of people around us. Daily, we see reports of the number of people who have been infected or who have unfortunately passed on, whether it is locally or abroad. We also read of the painful stories of people who have been afflicted. However, one thing that stood out to me is the mercy of God. In Psalm 103:11, it reads:

For as the heavens are high above the earth,
so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him.

The psalmist wrote about giving praise to God in Psalm 103, blessing Him for all the works that He has done – forgiveness of sins, healing, provision, and renewal. One awesome thing that the psalmist blessed God for was His mercy. He wrote of how as much as we do not deserve His pardon because of our sins, He chose to be merciful to us. As far as heaven was from earth – that was how great He described God’s mercy to be. It is immeasurable! He continues in Psalm 103:17a, writing of the everlasting nature of God’s mercy.

But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting
on those who fear Him.

Personally, I give thanks for God’s mercy that He extends to me, seen through how He continues to protect the people that I love – my church, my friends, and my family. The word of God continues to be preached each week by Pastor, with the support of the AV and Web teams.  With regard to my family, not only are they healthy and safe, my nephew was also just born a month ago without any complications or problems at the hospital! I thank God for His mercies that are so great, and are everlasting.

As the pandemic evolves over the course of the year, the future remains uncertain. It is unclear if and when the situation will improve. I do not want to take it for granted that my life will always be well. My daily prayer is in thanksgiving, that God has and will continue to grant me His everlasting mercies, giving praise to God for His faithfulness in keeping watch over me and my loved ones.

Written by Jerry Chan


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