YAG 13th Retreat Session 4

Text: Exodus 7
4 June 2011

Session #4
04 June 2011


So the LORD said to Moses: ‘See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother shall be
your prophet. You shall speak all that I command you. And Aaron your brother shall tell Pharaoh to send
the children of Israel out of his land.’

Exodus 7:1-2

1. New instructions

a) Moses may have been discouraged
b) God wasn’t!
c) God gave new instructions to Moses as His answer to the feelings of despair felt

2. New roles to discover and fulfill- Moses

a) As God to Pharaoh

i) Not God Himself
ii) As God

b) How would God act?

i) With Power
ii) With Purpose
iii) With Positive Outlook
iv) With certainty
v) With confidence

3. New roles to discover and fulfill- Aaron

a) As a prophet
b) As a spokesman
c) As servant of the Lord
d) A supportive role
e) A secondary role
f) A humble spirit needed
g) A fulfilling role nonetheless

4. Revelation of future events

‘And I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt.
But Pharaoh will not heed you, so that I may lay My hand on Egypt and bring My armies and My people,
the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments.
And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I stretch out My hand on Egypt and bring out
the children of Israel from among them.’
Then Moses and Aaron did so; just as the LORD commanded them, so they did.

Exodus 7:3-6

a) With reference to Pharaoh

i) God will harden his heart
ii) Pharaoh will not heed
iii) Because his heart was already hardened
iv) Because God had hardened his heart further
v) Lesson: The profound concept of the Sovereignty of God

b) With reference to Egypt

i) Signs and wonders will be multiplied
ii) God’s mighty hand will be seen in Egypt
iii) The Egyptians will stand in awe of the LORD and His judgments
iv) Lesson: The Power of God

c) With reference to the Children of Israel

i) They will become “armies”
ii) They will learn what it means to be “God’s people”
iii) They will learn many lessons about what it means to be “children of Israel”
iv) Lesson: Relationship lessons to be learned

d) With reference to Moses and Aaron

i) They will learn profound lessons on obedience

As the LORD commanded them, so they did.

Exodus 7:6b

ii) One of the hardest lessons to master in spiritual leadership: “perfect obedience”

1. The 10 plagues unleashed on Egypt

a) Historical-factual lessons

i) Water to blood            Exodus 7:14-25
ii) Frogs            Exodus 8: 1-15
iii) Lice            Exodus 8: 16-19
iv) Flies            Exodus 8:20-32
v) Livestock died            Exodus 9:1-7
vi) Boils            Exodus 9:8-12
vii) Hail            Exodus 9:13-35
viii) Locusts            Exodus 10:1-20
ix) Darkness            Exodus 10:21-29
x) Death of firstborn            Exodus 11-13

b) Theological lessons

i) Exercising Faith in God and His sovereignty
ii) Wielding Power
iii) Close relationship with God
iv) Prayer
v) Leadership
vi) Significance of experiencing these miracles as they were performed

2. Growth of Moses as a spiritual leader

a) No more feelings of despair
b) Knowledge of God
c) Wisdom
d) Strong Confidence
e) Skill
f) Stature
g) Faith in God

3. Our Challenges

a) To take up the challenge of spiritual leadership

i) Because there is a need
ii) Because you are deeply committed to serving the Lord
iii) Because of a strong sense of “calling”

b) To learn vital lessons about spiritual leadership

i) Basic lessons (Before ministry)
ii) Advanced lessons (In ministry)

c) To keep seeking to grow

i) Knowledge of God’s will
ii) Relationship with God
iii) Obedience to God
iv) Stature
v) Wisdom
vi) Strength
vii) Fulfilment of God’s word (commandments)
viii) To become an overcomer
ix) To become an outstanding spiritual leader in time to come