The Fear of the LORD is the Beginning of Wisdom

Text: Proverbs 1-2
19 January 2020

1. Construct

a. The fear of the LORD exists as part of a construct   (Proverbs 1: 1 – 7)
b. It should be understood in light of the other aspects of the construct and not on its own
c. The presence of the other aspects will also indicate the presence of the fear of the LORD

2. Commendation

a. The fear of the LORD is commended as the leading quality   (Proverbs 1: 7)
b. Because in absence of the fear of the LORD, folly prevails   (Proverbs 1: 7, 1: 22)
i. There will be a rejection of wisdom   (Proverbs 1: 24 – 25)
ii. There will be bad consequences   (Proverbs 1: 31 0 32)
c. Because the fear of the LORD prevents us from remaining in a state of folly
d. Because the fear of the LORD drives us to seek wisdom in place of folly

3. Clinch

a. How the fear of the LORD is to be clinched   (Proverbs 2: 1 – 5)
b. IF we pursue every individual aspect of the construct
i. Wisdom
ii. Knowledge
c. IF we practise what is prescribed
i. Receive words; treasure commands
ii. Incline ear; apply heart
iii. Cry out; lift up your voice
iv. Seek as silver; search as for hidden treasures
i. We will understand the fear of the LORD
ii. And find the knowledge of God