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Text: 1 Peter 1
1 March 2020


The doctrine of “Election” is a truly glorious truth that must bring joy to our heart. The Apostle Peter wrote about this right at the beginning of his first Epistle.

Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father…     1 Peter 1:2a

  1. Immediate context

a) Peter was writing to the Diaspora

b) These were believers who were scattered far and wide

c) Many had lost possessions and family because of persecution 

  1. Importance of this Doctrine of Election

a) Peter’s first thought was on God’s election

b) This truth mattered so greatly that it was given first place

c) This was how Peter began writing his epistle

  1. Essence of “Election”

a) It has to do with God’s choice

i) He chose us

ii) Not because we are potentially good

iii) Not because we are intrinsically good either

b) God’s choice and His foreknowledge

i) Only God has such deep foreknowledge

ii) In this foreknowledge, God planned salvation

iii) This is a profound thought indeed

c) The doctrine of Election is more than just a promise of God


There are a number of ramifications that we can think of:

  1. The mind must dwell on God

a) Who has foreknowledge

b) Who has such depth of comprehension of everything

  1. The heart must dwell on God as Father

a) He is not just God but Father as well

b) And He is described as Father to help us know that He is deeply concerned

i) As a Father

ii) Natural and loving concern

  1. The soul must take heart

a) That the Spirit of God is involved and He sanctifies us

b) That the Lord Jesus Christ made our salvation possible because He shed His precious blood for us!


Let us dwell on this marvelous doctrine of Election. Let us draw even nearer to the Lord our Heavenly Father. May we learn to trust Him in all things!