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Text: 1 Corinthians 1
15 April 2018


The salvation we have in Christ opens up the gates of the Kingdom of God and more. The Apostle Paul wrote about this in the following text.

I thank my God always concerning you

For the grace of God which was given to you

By Christ Jesus, 

That you were enriched in everything by Him

In all utterance and all knowledge, 

Even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, 

So that you come short in no gift, eagerly awaiting

For the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, 

Who will also confirm you to the end,

That you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.     1 Corinthians 1:4-8

  1. I thank my God

a) So much to thank God for

b) May we never cease to give thanks to God

  1. Things to thank God for: –

a) The Grace of God

i) Salvation is made possible only through grace

ii) Serving the Lord is also made possible through grace

iii) Strength for service comes from the grace made available through Christ

b) Enrichment

i) This comes from the Lord Jesus Christ too

ii) The enrichment comes from spiritual gifts


There are a number of things that will confirm the salvation we have in the Lord. These will give us great confidence in life.

  1. The testimony of Christ

a) The believers were told particularly to bear witness or testimony for the Lord

b) The salvation that is found in Christ will always have people who will bear witness of this truth

  1. The confirmation

a) The Lord Himself will confirm our faith in Him

b) He will keep us in Himself till the Second Coming

Let us rejoice in the Lord and enjoy our salvation in Christ Jesus!