Daily Devotions


Day 331

"They shall see; and... understand."

Text: Romans 15:21


How did Paul learn to become so focused in his life and ministry? In a word, the answer lies in the way he drew inspiration from his own reading of the Scriptures.

“But as it is written:
To whom He was not announced, they shall see.
And those who have not heard shall understand.”
Romans 15:21

1. But as it is written

a) Paul applied the authority of the Lord’s word in all his writings when dealing with controversial issues.
b) He also applied the word of God in a similar way to himself.
c) He proved himself to be consistent with what he preached.

2. Drawing inspiration from the Scriptures

a) Paul cited a text from Isaiah:-
i) This would mean that he was familiar with the Scriptures.
ii) The Scriptures must have made a tremendous impact on him.
b) A careful reading of the context of Isaiah 52 would reveal the following truths:-
i) It was wrapped up with the life and ministry of the Messiah.
ii) This portion of Scripture was a prophecy involving the nations of the world (i.e. the Gentiles).
iii) Paul felt that this text must be applied somehow.
iv) It would mean that someone would have to seek fulfillment of this text.
v) Paul availed himself for this great and challenging task of preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles.


Paul must have been gripped by Isaiah’s description of the Suffering Messiah (Cf. Isaiah 52:13-15; 53:1-12). This was the special work of the Servant of the LORD! Paul felt he could do no better than to avail himself to be the servant of the Lord.