Daily Devotions


Day 215

Psalm 82:1b "He judges among the gods."

Day 215 – Psalm 82

“He judges among the gods.” Psalm 82:1b


The Scriptures have always taught the fact that God is the Supreme Judge.

1. The laws of Moses reflect the fact that God was the real Lawgiver.

2. His laws necessarily include Divine authority.

3. The Psalms also give attention to the fact that God is Judge (Psalms 7, 9 etc).

The following text gives an unusual insight as to how God was involved in the judiciary system.

“God stands in the congregation of the mighty;
He judges among the gods.”
Psalm 82:1


The above text has a phrase that needs to be carefully understood. How do we understand the phrase “among the gods”?

1. The word “god”

a) It is not used exclusively.
b) It is used in at least three ways:-
i) It is a reference to the LORD God of Israel.
ii) It is also used to describe foreign deities.
iii) It may also be used to describe judges who wield the power of life and death when they mete out sentences.

2. The word “God” was used to describe Moses in a special role assigned to him

a) God had called both Moses and Aaron to serve as His emissaries.
b) Aaron would be Moses’ spokesman.
c) Moses would be “as God” (Exodus 4:16).


Though the word “god(s)” was employed, no divine attributes would be attached. Human judges may wield awesome authority but they are devoid of Divine qualities. The judges in the context of Psalm 82 are mere human beings. They are solemnly reminded that God is in their midst when they fulfill their roles as upholders of justice in the land.