Daily Devotions


Day 175

Psalm 79:9a "Help us, O God of our salvation..."

Day 175 – Psalm 79

“Help us, O God of our salvation…” Psalm 79:9a


Why should God help a nation that was so bent on sinning against Him? Asaph brought forth three reasons and forwarded them to God for His consideration.

“Help us, O God of our salvation,
For the glory of Your name;
And deliver us, and provide atonement for our sins,
For Your name’s sake!”
Psalm 79:9

1. The three reasons:-

a) Because the Lord was the “God of (their) salvation”.
i) He was Israel’s Redeemer.
ii) He was the nation’s Covenant God.
b) Because the glory of God’s name was at stake.
i) This was a valid plea.
ii) The word “glory” should also be associated with the word “fame”.
iii) The glory of God and the fame of God are inextricably related.
iv) Moses pleaded the glory of God’s name in prayer and turned away His wrath (Numbers 14:13-21).
c) For Your name’s sake
i) God’s name was associated with His people.
ii) For His own name’s sake He would hear and forgive (2 Chronicles 7:14-16).
iii) The name of God is to be guarded carefully at all times (Malachi 1:11; 2:2).

2. Deliverance

Asaph had in mind Divine Deliverance. Either God steps in to deliver His people or they would surely die!

3. Provide atonement for our sins

Asaph must have known the writings of Moses well. He discovered the concept of God’s provision for atonement and then used it as a humble plea to God (Deuteronomy 21:8). Atonement had to be made for the “former iniquities”. God Himself would provide the atonement!